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Visa travel


Krakow, Poland, is once again our destination.  The laws have been changed and we’ve been informed that we need to leave the country and get new visas.  It should be a simple thing actually getting the visas.  The hard thing will be getting temporary residence once we get back to Ukraine.  We have 45 days in which to do it… and then the fines start.  Talking about fines, we are expecting to be fined upon leaving the country tomorrow for not getting registered here or leaving the country earlier.  The fact that we were told that we couldn’t get registered because we were religious workers when we came back last time from Poland doesn’t make any difference.  I shake my head at the typical-ness of it.  I’m hoping it won’t be more than $100 each… which will still hurt, but not as much as $500 would. 

We’ve been going through the wringer health-wise the last few weeks.  Marie has had a deep cough for weeks which antibiotics haven’t kicked yet.  Elle just came down with strep throat and last night had a temp of… very high.  Pris lost her voice last week and is only now beginning to get it back.  I’m glad we don’t have to take the kids with us to Poland!  Oh!  We leave Tuesday morning and get back Saturday if all goes to plan.

I just learned today that Gareth and Vita Worboys are in Ukraine!  They are old friends who decided to “just show up”.  I’m especially looking forward to seeing Gareth after about 10 years of them living in NZ. 

I realized today that it seems like the older I’ve gotten, the more people in my circle of close friends or relatives cause me deep concern!  I honestly feel like the first 38 years of my life were pretty easy.  These last few though…  wow.  Heaven is a wonderful place, filled with glory and grace; and it will sure be good being in a place where confusion and human weakness and pride and selfishness are no more. 

May God bless.