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Urgh and Awesome

Angiography ahoy.  And I have no sense of my usual - “this sounds like an interesting experience”.  Instead I have an “urgh” reaction.  Angiograms test for blockages in the coronary arteries. 

We went into Kiev to try to meet with the neurosurgeon for a check-up.  We waited for about 2 hours for him to be free before the secretary asked us if we would like to see the director of the hospital instead.  We ended up talking with him for several hours.  He is also a neurosurgeon who is the father of the doctor we saw three months ago.  It was an interesting conversation and he seems like a man who knows a lot.  He said to get an angiogram.  So Monday, I head into the hospital to get one done.  It will involve having…  hey, if the details interest you, google it.  The simple explanation is that a dye is inserted into my blood stream which will show up clearly on an x-ray any problems with blood flow which could have caused the strokes.  Apparently, they will keep me in overnight.  That will be interesting.  Apart from being with Pris for her c-sections, I haven’t stayed overnight in a hospital for nigh on 40 years.  :)

A weekly gathering for prayer was held again this morning in the centre of town.  It is amazing for me to note how few people think it a good use of time to get up a bit earlier and pray with a few other people before the work day starts.  Today we picked Tanya up on the way.  She talks a mile a minute and is incredibly intense about most things.  Her presence immediately livened the party up!

Tonight, we will be collecting students for a youth group type gathering.  I have no idea how many we will get.  I doubt it will be more than 20, but who knows???  If 10 come, it will be good to get to know them and tell them about our loving God.

I will be putting together a slide show of funny accidents and talking about how life is full of surprises.  Getting to know God may be another surprise in their lives, but it is no unfortunate accident.  


Here’s a video I came across while preparing for tonight.  Incredible nerves.  I laughed with pleasure at the risk and adrenaline rush this guy must have experienced.  Did he have any appreciation of the Creator and Sustainer though?  Probably not.  His loss.

Yesterday morning, the kids and I went out with Shane and Jem on the water.  At 6:30, there was a thick mist which reduced visibility to 100 meters.  Two of us had a wakeboard but then the visibility dropped to less than 40m and we decided to call it quits and head home so that we could live to wakeboard another day.  :)  The evening proved perfect.  We nipped out for two hours of the most awesome water and picturesque scenery the summer has yet given us.  On one stretch of water, I was overcome with the experience and just threw my head back and gave glory to God.  The setting sun was giving everything a warm glow; the water was mirror smooth; I was making the jumps and turns; we were enjoying the experience together; and God was the giver of this good thing.  What an experience! 

Oh!  I took Elle for a ride.  That was another awesome moment.  I put her on my back and then got Shane to floor the little 25 hp motor.  It was touch and go for a bit, but we got there with Elle wrapped around my back and loving it… even after we crashed.  First thing she did was laugh and gurgle that half her nose got filled with water!  (Half her nose???) 

O.K… I’m off to drop in on some people, then off to the dorms to grab four guys to help move some wood.  God bless.