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Snow on October 3rd

photo (27)While Oz is experiencing record high temperatures, we are experiencing something I don’t recall seeing in the last 20 years.  Today, we were doing “couch time”, (15 minutes before breakfast where the kids read quietly while Pris and I drink a coffee and have a chat).  Suddenly Elle lets out a screech and runs to the window.  Yep.  Snow flakes were falling.  We lost our two youngest girls to the joy of catching snowflakes on their tongues.  Two minutes later and the snow had ceased falling and we were eating breakfast and getting on with our day. 

Yesterday, Pris and I went into Kiev and ate breakfast at a café we discovered.  $4 gets you two eggs, two sausages, three slices of tomato and cucumber, two leaves of lettuce and a coffee (Americano).  It felt like a feminine breakfast, especially without toast… but the atmosphere was nice and it was nice to do with Pris.

The mechanics had worked late into the night getting the van going again and we picked it up on our way.  We got to Kiev and realized that I’d left the van documents and my wallet at home.  We held our breath as we drove past the police.  (It’s a nightmare of insinuations, threats, lies, and trouble if you are stopped without your car documents!)  Thankfully, Jesse could bring the bag in and within 2 hours, we were again legal.  We were to pick Cheryl up at the airport at 1:00, and there are always police out there stopping cars randomly, so it was a big relief having them.

Cheryl is back after being with her dad as he went through the ordeal of hospital visits and treatment for cancer and a broken leg.  Blake, her dad, seems to be doing really well, and while he isn’t in the best health he’s ever had, he is thinking positively and talking about a return visit to Ukraine at some stage.

Tomorrow, Angel will attend the youth night for the first time.  A couple of her friends have expressed interest in coming, so we “dropped the age” to include the 13-15 year olds as well.  So far, a heap of the young people have signed up to read the NT with me over the next three months.  We bought a heap of modern translations for them and they are proving to be pretty popular.  The old Ukrainian and Russian versions are comparable in language style and culture to the KJV… the Ukrainian version perhaps even more difficult to understand for the average Ukrainian.  I’m pretty excited at the way these kids are going to be blessed over the next few months!

We are off to the island if it doesn’t rain next week.  I think it’s going to be a cold, cold night, but it will surely make for an interesting blog… and hopefully prove to be meaningful for the young people.  We leave Friday afternoon and get back Saturday arvo. 

Well… that’s it for this update. 

Enjoy your day.  May God’s presence fill you with joy.