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161098_100001153130628_666247_nI’ve talked about Vlad before.  A facebook page has been set up: Justice for Vlad Schaslyvyi.  I encourage you to join.  Nearly 100 people have joined already and are praying as new information comes up.  Not everything can be shared online, but I can assure you that the story we will share when he gets out will astound.

Bruce has set up an account which accepts donations to help with support for Vlad.  Read more about this here:  www.missionsnetwork.com/node/31

Vladislav is a great bloke, close friend and brother who has an opportunity not many of us have to be a light for Christ in a very dark place.  It is possible that God wants him there for an extended length of time.  We will support him with prayer, food and literature for as long as he is there and we are able.  Thanks.

As an aside to this, my sister Keren is in hospital with a pretty serious condition following an operation last week.  JP and Keren would love for God to step in and bless their situation, too.  Again, thanks.