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Recovering very well

prissThat went pretty well.

The operation went off without a hitch. Pris is walking around… albeit gingerly and with a walker. The doctor wants to keep her in there at least until the week-end… maybe through until Monday. (Ukrainian hospitals just about always try to keep patients in until they are totally sick of the place.) We feel excited at the thought that she may experience relief from the pain and gain a freedom she hasn’t had in many years.

I’m doing documents today… registering us with the local authorities. I’ll go back into Kiev as soon as I’m done and probably spend the night there tonight. There are three beds in her room and I’ll likely be permitted to sleep on one of them if the other patient is open to that.

And six hours later…

Here I am. Pris is doing great. I brought her three different kinds of salads and some borsch which Elle made. She’s happy. We’ve been for a couple of 15 minute walks. She walks like a 80 year old, but it will all come back… for 33 years. Then she’ll be 80. (The thought just occurred: if I survive that long, we’ll be a cute old couple tottering around.)

Surprisingly, the submitting of our documents couldn’t have gone smoother. I couldn’t believe that there was no line of people waiting when I got there! It took 10 minutes to register all three of us… easy, easy. Thank you, Lord.

Pasha left for Germany today to collect the two cars we have there… and buy another two, (less than a thousand Euro per car). Things are going well on that head. Last time he was at the border, he made a big stink about a bribe one of the officers there was trying to get him to pay… and he’s hoping that won’t affect his crossing at all this time in any negative way. We should find out by tomorrow.

igorrrOh!  Igor and Olya had their baby.  What a story they have.  Their lives have been totally and radically changed over the last couple of years… even to the extent that they wanted more children.  I brought Igor into Kiev with me the other day… so that he could share the gospel with the homeless and alcoholics.  His T-shirt read, “I was a drug addict, but God saved me”.  The shirt in this pic says, “Absolute best husband”.

I’m skipping Wednesday night Bible study tonight. The plan is for Tolic to share how the principles you use to understand the Bible affect different beliefs people hold… and to then teach good healthy hermeneutical principles. Tolic is a good teacher who is getting better. That’s exciting.

Thanks for praying for Priscilla’s operation and recovery. She’s going to be on light, light duties for a couple of months before again doing serious exercises. I’m so thankful for the opportunity she has to get this done now….

May God bless you.