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Happy New Year

photoWe’ve had a nice holiday time during the last two weeks.  The trip to Rovno to spend Christmas with Priscilla’s parents was an enjoyable time.  The van did break down, but was 400 meters from a mechanic and they fixed it within 24 hours.  The police didn’t stop us this time and the trip was nicely uneventful.  The night before we left, I was just heading off to bed at about 11:00 when the doorbell rang.  Vlad, who I thought was in bed asleep was standing there bedraggled, dirty, bleeding and with an obviously broken arm!  He had fallen out a window… and was alive to tell how it had happened.  I took him to the local hospital and after driving to another village to collect the x-ray technician and then the doctor, he was declared “de trop” and sent to Kiev.  The doctors there did an operation a few days later and he is healing well with a couple of pins in his arm and a cast inconveniencing him nicely.  We’re thankful for God’s blessing.

Pris and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary amongst all the fuss of New Years.  Pris had organized a morning tea for the two of us and we dressed up and enjoyed ice cream and coffee.  This Sunday, we’ll go away to Kiev and have a couple of days away together.  20 years sounds like a good longish stretch to me.  30 more to go… 

New Year’s saw about 40 people gather with most of us dressing up somehow.  Our family went as clowns.  Elle commented to Pris that she was “so proud of me” dressing up in public… in a clowns costume!  Heh.  I didn’t feel too embarrassed as no knew who I was anyway.  :)  We had a great night of fun and games and called it quits at 6:00ish.  Several people slept on the floors and had a great rest during the two hours until breakfast time.  It was good to be together and as 12:00 struck, be in communion with our God asking His blessing on the coming year.  He is the source of all that is good.

Today, we saw both –16 and –3 degrees.  We skated for a good couple of hours with some friends who have come for a visit for a few days.  We’re sore, but healthily exhausted.  I’ll post this and head straight for the shower and then bed!  It’s time.
