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God is ok with me.

Four times I’ve heard this statement or one similar over the last month or so.  It just challenged my position yet again… and in hopes that God is the reason behind me being faced with this flurry of stupidity from different sources, I write:

If God is the Unfathomable, Almighty, Creator of the Universe, Jehovah - revealed in Scripture… then the thought that God is ok with me SINNING A LITTLE BIT, or ok with me WALKING THE FENCE A LITTLE BIT, or ok with me BEING A BIT REBELLIOUS, is just plumb stupid. 

I think I know what it is with people who want to make up their own God instead of believing the God of the Bible.  It isn’t as if it is something new, even for Christians.  But four times in one month verses 1 time in the last 40 years… is it the start of some new pandemic?  Are we about to hear this statement FROM CHRISTIANS more and more?  I think so.  And I hate it.  “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.”  This verse comes to mind.  Today, I rebuked someone for using the Name of Jesus lightly.  He didn’t understand how it could be wrong to sarcastically say that doing such and such would make Jesus cry.  As a generation, we have lost a lot of respect for the REAL God… and it is definitely not because He has become less or more worthy of criticism.  We have become BIG in our own eyes to the extent that we twist logic and truth to make it be what allows us to keep on being good Christians while doing exactly what God hates.  God is not mocked.  We have reaped what we sowed years ago as the church.  And we will reap what we sow now as individuals. 

May I encourage self-deception never.

May I discourage self-centeredness always.

May I live honestly and righteously before my God – the unchanging One.