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The Eyes Have It

I’ve always had a deep appreciation for the beauty of eyes.  They are incredible!  The eye is the lamp of the body.  So if you eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.  A person of great fame said those words and I’m still not sure I completely understand all that is insinuated by them.  The eye is the lamp of the body.  As a lamp pierces the darkness and attracts our attention, even so the eye acts as an attention-grabber on our faces.  I know that the eyes often reveal what is going on in the soul of a person.  I also know that moral or immoral images that enter the eyes and are projected onto the brain can deeply affect us.  I know that if you can’t see properly or understand what truth is, then it is much harder to figure out what the right course of action should be.  Yet when sight is crisp and clear, or when a person knows truth… confidence and peace are more often than not much more accessible. 

If my eye is healthy… my whole body will be full of light?  If the “lamp of my life” is burning strongly and is confidently taking in the things that glorify God, my whole life will reveal that truth in ways that are beautiful.  And that brings me back to the word “beautiful”.  Yes.  Your eyes are beautiful!

… not exactly a simple explanation, but one which I’ll leave as I have typed it.


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My left eye is givin’ me curry… as they say in the antipodes.  I’ve had a blood vessel leaking liquid behind the pupil in my eye the last six weeks.  After a few doctor’s visits, and a whole bank of tests, they have informed me that it looks like it will be an easy fix.  Thankfully, there are two places in Kiev that do laser surgery and the last doc we saw told us that he would take us there and burn the end of that vessel closed during 10 minutes of laser surgery.  Don’t you just LOVE modern medicine! 

Ha!  I had an angiogram done on my eye the other day.  It was a bit funny.  First, drops were put into my eye to make my pupil enlarge, then I was given an anti-allergen in my rump before the liquid was introduced into my veins.  I had to chuckle though as I was called into a tiny, tiny room in which a few other patients were doing tests and told to face the wall and present my bum.  At this point, I was less than half a metre from a poor, innocent female patient!  Unbelievable privacy considerations!  Anyway, after a few seconds of bewilderment, I pulled myself together and did as I was expected and mooned the room!  Scarred for life!  That poor girl… 

Prep for camp is underway and with a vengeance.  We had seven in our kitchen cutting up meat yesterday.  Right now, it is looking as if we’ll have upwards of 70 people come, so that’s a lot of meat… and bread, and veggies, and a whole lot of other food.  It’s good to see how so many people pitch in when it comes to set-up and preparation. 




Pris and I at the clinic waiting for the eye drops to take affect.