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Easter coming up

Ukraine celebrates Easter one week after the rest of the world this year.  Sometimes we have a gap of a few weeks.  Anyway, right now, we are five days out from once more celebrating in a unique way the resurrection of the One who is “altogether too wonderful to me” as someone is singing as I type.  I had a dream last night of singing His praises as I waited to bat (I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m stuck with cricket dreams for life).  I had put earplugs in and I realized as I sang my enthusiasm for Jesus that I was singing totally off-key.  No one seemed to mind, so I didn’t either.  I sometimes get a sense of just how PRECIOUS He is and it overwhelms me with peace.  Jesus is our resurrected perfect God!

Work continues.  I invited a couple of the students who work with us on the work site to come round tonight as we look at John 15.  I hope they will find it interesting.  Most go home for the Easter break.  There are several though who must either come from really bad home situations who end up staying in Rzhyshchiv.  We are developing relationships with about 10 students and sowing seeds into their lives.

Pris is in Kiev.  She spent the night there with a few ladies and I’ll meet her to do our monthly-shop, (I’ll pick up some building supplies while we are at it.

Last night, someone was at the site and moved a few things around… real strange.  We have decided to bring the tools home each night until we can lock it up.

Must run…