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Camp and Vlad

All systems go for camp week…

The island is well set up.  About 10 people have done a good job of making sure everything is ship-shape and we’ll go out tomorrow afternoon. 

Tom, Vika, (Vlad’s wife), Vlad’s dad and I went in to see him today.  It seemed like he was on a much more solid footing than last time we went.  He was relaxed and happy.  He is talking about getting moved to a jail about 20 minutes away from Rzhyshchiv and thinking that there is a distinct possibility that that could be arranged.  On Monday, we should be hearing what the next date is for his retrial to start. 



I took a magnet game with me and we all played it for about an hour or more throughout the day.  It was good to laugh with him.  (The aim of the game is to get rid of your magnets by setting them on the board without causing any other magnets to “click” together.) 

Bed-time.  I’ve had a few nights in a row with less than six hours sleep.  The ol’ brain gets a bit tired.  Tonight should be a regular night!  :)

Value your freedom!