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Another day... another needle


Luba is a great neighbour to have when you get sick.  She worked as a nurse for 20-odd years and has the skills and the sweetness to make the process of getting intravenous drugs as good as it could possibly get. I’ve enjoyed getting to know her over the course of the hour it takes to get the Ceraxon and Actovegin, (for those of a medical bent), into my system.  Actovegin, btw, is filtered calf blood!  Fascinating!

I’m feeling a bit better – more “with it”, I guess.  I’m still sitting/lying around a lot – 23.5 hours a day!!!  (Surely, I walk around the house for 30 minutes!)  I’m starting to get tired of doing not much… another week should be enough.  I certainly hope so!

I just called Lena and told her I’d be right to walk her down the aisle for the “Chaban” wedding.  I’d hate for the attention to be on me this Saturday – things should go smoothly.


Lovely spring day today!  Children’s music is filling our valley from School #2.  They must have their graduation ceremony today.  Lots and lots of teenagers walking around in suits and cute “little girl” dresses is the sight of the day… of the next week, actually!    It’s a nice celebration.

Pris is in Kiev with Cheryl today.  She’s meant to be picking up her parents from the airport this afternoon.  They will go on to Rovno this time though rather than come here. 

I just discovered that everyone here has already had lunch!  I’ve been upstairs getting the drugs and then typing this and answering a few calls.  Time to eat…