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War on our doorstep

The incredible is occurring! Putin, the grandmaster, started playing chess way before the other countries even looked like they understood that the game was on.  And he has played an admirable game.  He’s managed to take over the Crimea in the south.  That is already a step of enormous magnitude.  And there is no doubt that he has taken over, contrary to the all the blustering that has gone on to the contrary.  But Ukraine has a nagging question in the back of her mind:  “Will he be content with that?” 

One of the lads with a smart phone told me after church on Sunday that Ukraine has mobilized her army.  The reservists have been called up.  I think we will be able to present about a million soldiers… although our ability to arm that many probably isn’t a reality.  Men who have trained are being called up… in Rzhyshchiv, those who are under 30.  We have a few young fathers in our church in this age-bracket.  I talked with them all and they are feeling on tender-hooks, mostly dreading the call to report.  Actually, I think their wives are feeling it worse!  100’s of Christians will be called upon to report for duty.  Many of them will be strong witnesses to their fellow soldiers.  If you pray for Ukraine, pray for these brothers in particular.  The army in Ukraine is no easy place for Christians to live for Christ.                This photo of Russian troops I uploaded from an article in The Daily Mail.

Valentines Day and Death

Legend informs us that Valentine was a Christian priest who lived in Rome during the 5th century.  In all likelihood, he ended up being martyred for refusing to recant.  Hagiographical info tells us that he opposed the emperor’s direction for soldiers not marrying and married people on the sly.  Imprisoned, he healed the blind daughter of his jailor and wrote her a letter before being executed which he signed, “your Valentine”.  Elle was listening to a “Focus on the Family” story about this man yesterday and came to the end of it exclaiming at the beauty of it all and wondering if it was true.  Sadly, I had to say that it was highly unlikely.  (How unromantic!)  But I agreed with her that it was a lovely story to listen to! 

Saturday night, we had 8 couples gather in our upper room for a “date”.  We also had Cheryl, Vitya, Larissa, Kolya, Sveta, Jesse and Marie help with serving and preparation.  Most of the evening was spent with the couples by themselves at tables, but we did mingle at the end of the evening and from what we heard, these couples felt like it was a magical night.  In spite of the necessity of keeping the evening programme ticking along, I know Pris and I enjoyed it a lot, too.

This week-end the ladies will be putting on an evening for ladies in the community.  The theme for the evening is “God – peace for the heart”.  Right now, I’m guessing we’ll be squeezing about 50 ladies into the room.  The air gets quite heady with that many bodies in a room steadily heating up over the course of the evening!  Our ongoing prayer is that more of these women will understand God’s remarkable gift of close and un-encumbered fellowship with Him through Jesus. 

Snow day tomorrow

Another snowless day…  This can’t go on for too much longer!  I came to Ukraine over 20 years ago and this is the strangest winter yet.  After the fall in early December, we’ve had warm days and no snow.  When it eventually comes, most of everyone will be overjoyed that “the natural order of things has been restored”!  I know five people in this home who’ll be excited!  (Maybe even six!)

The Christmas holidays were nice.  School and different programs and events have started back up again as of this week… and even though our Christmas tree is still up, the “festive spirit” has come and gone, leaving nicely warmed hearts in its wake. 

photoWe celebrated Elle’s birthday on the 5th.  She was delighted with the bed and trimmings for her doll… amongst other gifts; but this was more special as several people made stuff.

For Kez and Anthony

Swimming in the dark blue sky

Watching paddleboats trip on by

Teaching stones Beethoven’s Fifth

Stating gravity is but myth

What is man that You are mindful of him?


Philosophy is the unwanted guest

Logic – the shark infested nest

Questions are banally unwelcome

Answers - a dark and dreary tomb.

What is man that You are mindful of him?


The pulse dries up in protest

Moans of emotion escape the breast

This earthly life is the shadow

But pain’s our lot in life’s meadow.

What is man that You are mindful of him?


The scales tip deeper over

Then hope appears to God-lover

Form is given to the prime desire

As peace returns in small measure.

Who is God that we know Him?


Calm in the stormy sky

Paddleboats still churning steadily by

Yet peace abiding in heart at rest

Knowing that a grace amazing fills our nest

What is man that You are mindful of him?


This grace amazing is His bequest

Speaks of His glory – awesome in any way you care to look at it.

God is the Father of Love

Man is the watched from above.

There is peace in the heart that trusts.